Testimony of Lorraine from Australia

I was blessed enough to pray to Bl. Pier Giorgio at World Youth Day Krakow. Everytime I ask for his intercession, I'm overwhelmed with peace and confidence that God is always with me whenever I serve the young people. I admire the way he lived his life and the stories I've heard on how dedicated he was when it came to prayer. How he wasn't afraid to speak on his faith. I was blessed enough to go to Turin for Holy Week this year. I can't wait for his canonization!

Testimony of Maria from USA

Bl. Pier Giorgio has been such an inspiration in my life! I've had a devotion to him for over a year now, and I have grown exponentially in my spiritual life because of his specialintercession. I love him for his courage, joy, and bravery. He wasn't afraid to love people or to do what was right in the face of adversity. One of my greatest wishes is to see him canonized so that others may know him better and continue to ask his powerful intercession, especially for all the young people of this generation and the ones to come. Verso l'alto!

Testimony of Jennifer from USA

I discovered Bl. Pier Giorgio about 4 years ago while preparing for our monthly meeting as the leader of a middle school youth group.  
I quickly read everything there was to read about him.  I'm so inspired by his selflessness and devotion.  I mention him and his deeds as often as possible to anyone that will listen.  
I am the mother of 3 boys.  Boys are tough to keep faithful.  The fact that Bl. Pier Giorgio was a young and athletic man, popular with peers and ladies really touches something in young men.  Pier Giorgio makes it seem more achievable to be a Saint to these boys because they are able to see a part of themselves in him!  A regular boy/man can be a Saint.  
What better way to show the generation of young men how to live!

Testimony of Claire from Switzerland

I grew up surrunded by mountains in Switzerland. I was always looking at them as a sign of beauty and strenght. I gave my life to Jesus two years ago after long years of searching for the truth. He is the Joy that my heart was thirsty of. Two weeks after my yes to Jesus, I met an amazing guy who come from Australia, we discoverd each other and fell in love. We choose to built a relationship together and support each other. I came in the childhood house of Pier Giorgio Frassati this week end. I was feelink in front of a big and terrifing summit to climb in my life. I don't know how we ll be able to love each other. We come from two differents countries, we have differents beliefs. How to love deeply ? How to stay closer to God in my life, in my choices ? How my life can reflect Jesus's face ? Pier Giorgio Frassati answered me: I ll walk on this mountain with you. Don't be afraid of pain. You ll keep this joy in your heart if you stay in your thoughts, actions and emotions with God. I knew then that God trusts me and ll give me his Grace to act with a true love and do the good choices. I can surrender to him. He has the Plan. Thanks Pier Giorgio ! You're for me like a big bro that ll encourage me to look at the summit and believe of the faithful love of Jesus for us.

Testimony of Daniel from USA

I once heard about Pier Giorgio when I was going through RCIA, but never took the time to get to know him. After sometime had passed, I decided to study the impact he had, and how he died from contracting Polio. This is what struck me, and I definitely let it sink in; considering that I am approaching the age of 24, the age at which he died. I plan on devoting my entire twenty-fourth year of living to his way of living.

Testimony of Lucas from USA

He has given me inspiration and energy to live an upright and holy life (the best I can). Listening to a talk I heard on cd from catholic lighthouse media was where I first heard him. One time as I was prayed over, one of the people praying over me mentioned pier Giorgio as an intercessor. That was very surprising for me and gave me more conviction in him and the truth of the holy Spirit in being prayed over.

Testimony of Leanne from USA

As a young adult who loves my Faith and being outdoors, Bl. Pier Giorgio has been such a great saintly companion. He inspires me to great heights--physically and spiritually.
His love for the Rosary and bringing others to pray it is inspiring (especially getting his friends to pray it or getting them to visit the Bl. Sacrament as a prize for beating them at billards). His courage and stead-fastness in serving the poor was incredible--as much of his service was hidden and brought about disapproving attitudes from his mother/family. He shows me by his life that all things should be done for God's Glory and to not tire in serving others. Verso l'alto!

Testimony of Hugo from Belgium

PGF inspires me to be joyful and sharing.
Thinking about the things he did, I have made extra stops on busy days to buy a bread for a poor man, or shake hands with a homeless person, asking his name and wishing him God's blessing. In our family we often recall what Frassati used to say when going to people to offer them help: make sure you go to mass too. The eucharist was the center of his life.

Testimony of Nina from USA

Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati has been an exemplary model of holiness, supreme faith, and fortitude for me in so many aspects of my life. He is one of my absolute favorite soon-to-be Saints! As a Director of Youth Ministry, I have seen firsthand many young hearts that have been moved towards Christ and the Sacraments through learning of and following the example of this amazing young man. He teaches us that it is "cool" to be a Saint and that true holiness is achieved through being yourself and living every moment for the glory of God. It is truly time for us to recognize him as the Saint that he is!

Testimony of Ynes from France

Hello, i think that it could be nice if Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati was canonized. He did a lot in his life and helped people a lot, which makes him sort of a saint already. But what would the Great Lord think ? That's another question...
I learnt it all about Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati during a pilgrimage I did with others of my age. We climbed up a mountain, just like Pier Giorgio Frassati would do and loved to.
Let's make him officiallyunforgettable !